Wednesday 29 February 2012

Sample Project 2012 – February

I do wish you could see the amazing photos that are inspiring this project, from Underwater Eden – 365 Days, by Jeffrey L. Rotman. Call me old-fashioned, but it doesn’t seem right to scan and post someone else’s photos that haven’t been made available by them on the web. So my samples may not make a whole lot of sense – sorry! But I do recommend getting hold of the book if you can, it’s gorgeous – so tricky to choose only one in seven of the photos to work with.      




Week 5: Spider crab

Embellisher, yarn and Wensleydale curls.










Week 6: Giant kelp

Bonded applique, machine stitch with built-in pattern.









Week 7: Giant Pacific octopus

Background scrim and dyed wool tops Embellshed onto felt. Suckers - sheer fabric applied with satin stitch circles worked using Flower Stitcher, then cut back.








Week 8: Purple anthias against knotty gorgonian coral

Coral pattern free machined, fish automatic satin stitch.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Winter Wonderland

Time out today, for a trip up Wharfedale while there’s still a bit of snow on the hills but the roads are passable. Glorious.





Thursday 2 February 2012

Sample Project 2012 - January

You wouldn’t believe the number of subjects, sources and formats I’ve dithered over for this year’s weekly sample project. I couldn’t find anything that really grabbed me, and yet wouldn’t be too time consuming. In fact I was close to not bothering at all… but as January went on I realised I missed the little weekly shot of variety and challenge too much. But, it also became clear that I didn’t want to spend too long choosing (or even taking) each week’s source picture.

The bought diaries I used for the first four years were great, but I can’t find another that I like – Earth From the Air is repeating photos I’ve already used, and the remaining Taschen great artists series don’t appeal.

In the end I’ve decided to use a book I already have: Underwater Eden – 365 Days. Each week I’ll have seven photos to choose from. I’ll mount the sample on a postcard size card with a scan of the photo plus notes on the back.

Here we go then… 


Week 1: Giant Sea Fan

Free machining.







Week 2: Garibaldi fish scales

Layers of sheer synthetic fabric, machine stitched with scallop pattern, soldered out.




Week 3: Crinoid

Free zigzag stitch, layering colours, on patterned cotton fabric.








Week 4: Blue spotted ribbontail stingray

Wool tops felted on embellisher.